Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Vanity of V

hey peeps,

I know it's been a while, but the fish ain't rotten yet babes! haha...
Been a very eventful few weeks...yes doubt! But let's save that for another day....
coz it's time to dish!!

This entry has been planned since....since....well, a long time...
Have you ever encountered someone that is so incredibly vain, so terribly self-centered, so painfully ignorant, so so freakin' LAME!!

Well, I have not only encountered, I have the wretched luck to have these figures in my life right now!!! Argh....irritating pests!! How can people be such an excrutiating pain in the ass?! How can people be so clueless? It makes me wonder, are you really that clueless, or are you just fakin it?! F*#&s!!!! And to top it off, the vanity amid farce insecurities that you project everyday is so hilarious, do you know it's embarrassing??

In the end, I have nothing else to say but this....I bet you're so freakin vain that you think this entry is about you! Go get a life - you know who you are!!


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