Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Unfair, Unjust, Undue

Today, I saw first hand how unjustifiable some (many) things are in this life. In many ways I understand why these unwarranted "precautions" are put into place where they are. That being said, it still does not feel right, it's almost agonizing to know that we still live in an age where many a things are taboo, many things are still too sensitive to talk, to educate about. In fact, many of these things are simply fundamentally misunderstood, misjudged or straight-up avoided by most society! If this were a perfect little world, well, I wouldn't know because, my dear, this is not a perfect little world - far from it in fact!! But then again, times change, mindset, attitudes evolve, human beings step up to face the challenge that is humanity itself. Just like the African American gain independence and standing in racist civilization, just like womanhood charged victorious against a sexist world, maybe one day....maybe one day. Come to think of it, the blacks are still being oppressed, women still harassed, ah, I wonder how the Jews are doing! Much to do, much to do.
Today wasn't particularly a good day, it wasn't bad just not good enough. As always, maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow!!

"When we segregate, the stigma arises; Once we integrate, the stigma goes"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
