Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another day, another "bah"....

Have you ever woken up in the morning and knew, just literally knew, that today was going to be a hugely unproductive day?! Not a bad day, just a lazy day. Like you just want to be left alone, care-free for whatever time that's available! Well, today was one of those days for me! It's like someone drugged you with a whole lot of sleeping pills and when you finally wake up, you just wanna go back to visit the "Zs" in ZZ land! Seriously, it's bad, especially for people like me! Anyhoos, like I said, today was profoundly unproductive, I tried to open a book to study and basically bathed the book with drool! So finally decided to just spend the day practically lazying around! And then I thought, "oooh, I can blog!". So here I am maybe a handful of lines into the entry and already the Zs are taunting me, it isn't much help that I'm practically typing this while lying on my bed, wearing....well, let's not go there or this would lead into a very different direction! Cheekiness!! Which reminds me, I have to take a shower!


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