Khai Hon has arrived! Khai Hon is a blogger! Khai Hon has a blog space of his own! OK, I'm referring to myself in the third person, if you don't find that remotely depressing or downright scary, I suggest you should go seek professional help! But seriously, I can't believe that I am writing my own blog! See, you have to understand - if you don't know moi- that I, am completely and utterly hopeless when it comes to anything of this sorts; "this sorts" being things that are either IT related or things pertaining to the 3 big W's, yups, the WORLD WIDE WEB! I mean don't get me wrong, I know how to navigate my way through the internet, it's just that when it comes to creating my own stuff, i.e a blog, I find myself stuck in a stupendous rut! I just don't know how to get around it, I know it's hard to believe since it's the 21st century and it seems almost everyone on the planet is blogging but you do not want to know how long it took me to even create this blog account! Seriously, YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW! So, here I am, and yup, I see it fit to brag - Khai Hon has a blog~lol! And yes, for those of you who are snickering with cynicism right about now, I know that there isn't a big 'ol spider spinning an actual web as wide as the world OK?! Khai Hon is not THAT ignorant! Cheerioz~
Yay! I'm officially the first commentator(?) for your blog!
*assumes role of VIP cutting opening ribbon, etc.*
Awesome start! Awesome blog title! So awesome that I had to look 'farcical' up in the dictionary. haha!
awesome awesome awesome!
Will obviously be back for more.
take care bro!
hey! u blog?! cool :)
The third person to step in your blog..:)
Have a nice start!!
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