Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Of the teaching of Me.....

So I've been wondering what to write for a few days now....
Don't wanna be a bore and all emo-emo and write about how I'm super dreading going back to the jungle that is KT this saturday (notice how I wrote about it anyhow?! Lame as it might justification, sorry)
So I went blog browsing, and I noticed many things....not the least of which is that my blog layout is so BORING!! I'm like living in the 80's....crap.....
So so so....I need a make-over.....I mean my blog needs a make-over....
But if you know me, you know I am hopeless with a capital H when it comes to all these internet/ webpage/ IT mumbo-jumboz, so if you are up to it....whoever it may be, please help me get out of the 80's!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Of a little intelligent book The LIfe of Pi......

Well, it turns out....I read!! Actually I do read, that was my version of a dramatic entrance to this entry!! Have I got your attention yet?! What do I read? Hmmmm....I picked up a book by Yann Martel titled "Life of Pi" a few weeks ago....Some of you might be wondering, "if he picked it up weeks ago, why only read it now?" Well, the thing is, I picked up 2 was one of those impulse buy when I saw this little red sticker on the book shelf that read, "2nd book half off!" Ah.....retail therapy......bliss bliss! Needless to say, I bought 2 books....Thankfully I only had enough cash in the wallet left for these two books....If only I had more, well, let's just say I'm a true believer in retail therapy, it's good for the soul.....yeah! But so bad for the wallet!!

Anyhoos, back to the book....well, I have to admit that I had no idea who this Yann chap is! It's publicity and advertisement I tell you! ARGH!! All I know then is that it was a "NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER" because it was conveniently printed onto the book cover, as was this "winner of THE Man BOOKER PRIZE 2002" So I thought, heck, if it's good enough for whoever gave out such awards! Plus, it had a cute little drawing of a white little lifeboat otherwise known as sampan with what I interpreted then as a very tanned, skinny, curled up person and a tiger twice the size of the aforementioned man....intriguing no? oh yes, and the boat was in the sea of what looked like many many many sharks and a turtle....SO RANDOM! So, now I HAD TO BUY THE BOOK!!!!

And so I did. the end....

LOL....nope, kidding, well, I've just started reading it and my's cute a clever little book....there are amazing phrases and sentences that just really captured my attention and I have decided to share some of it....yes, this is the whole point of this entry....I know, I know, it took me a while to get to the point, I think I was inspired by Stephen King, his introduction takes half the thickness of the books he write!

".....a tie is a noose, and inverted though it is, it will hang a man nonetheless if he is not careful..."

more to come....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Of Discarded Baggages.......

So I emptied my inbox I have A LOT of messages! Don't ask me from when coz I don't remember, it was so full that my trusty little sony ericsson literally lagged when I scrolled down my inbox! Man, have I tortured my mobile phone...seriously, it's been through sweat, coffee, heat, cold, the occasional 2-storrey bump, suffered the fate as a mistaken doggy chew toy, some patch-work that involved a whole lotta elephant glue! YES, if it isn't clear enough....I'm hinting for a NEW phone~ lol...

The blog has been refurbished again....there are some, and by some I mean MANY entries that has found it's way into some trashcan somewhere in cyberspace.....Y? well, I'd like to think that I've grown out of some of the things that were clearly holding me back...and Life is so much simpler when you take out the emo right? That being said, emotions are what makes us human, and emotions are what makes humans inhumane at like it or not, we're stuck with's a vicious cycle really....scary....."suuuuusssannnnn - channeling the blob from monsters vs aliens"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Of Going The Dramatic Green....

Months......Months! Since my last post...
If you are still following out there.....why?? WHY??
So drama....well, I've been a looong hiatus and many things have per usual, I pooped a lot...A LOT! But not more than usual....I have healthy pooping habits! (bet you are running for the hills now eh?! - way to scare (disgust*) your readers off KhaiHon!

You still with me?? WHY????!!! lol....
Anyways, like I said, many things have happened...there was the whole friend drama, then the exam, then the heartbreak (sobs no MORE!), then the continuing friend drama, then the holidays, then the lessons on being dramatic from my cousin and his best friend (as if I needed anymore, but seriously....I learned A LOT! I didn't think there was room for more drama, but there was!) then my other cousin mentioned my blog and I went, " OMG! It's so rotten I think it's barely compost now!"
So here I am, hoping, praying that from the compost, a nice little plant will emerge! (yes, I am going green - as much as I can - I am not swearing off plastic bags....yet....just using less of them)

I always steps people, baby steps....we should all do our part, because seriously speaking, I can't take this erratic and by erratic I mean, freakin' HOT weather anymore! Yes, I'm being selfish and it may seem like it's ALL about me....but like I said in my previous post, it's MY freakin' blog! lol...kidding! But yeah, on a more serious not, if YOU, like ME, feel like you might just get a heat stroke trying to get to the front gate of your house, let's just start by using less plastic bags!